Full tekst video Wind Farms shared Use

Voice over text wind at sea

Would you like to develop a shared-use activity in one of the new wind farms that will soon be available in the Netherlands?

For example in the field of mariculture

passive fishing

generating sustainable energy

or nature development?

Then apply for a permit from Rijkswaterstaat.

In Borssele 90 square kilometers are available for shared use.

On both sides of the transit corridor

and at a safe distance from turbines and cables.

The area passport states what the Borssele wind farm looks like,

what space is available

and which activities are preferred.

Do you want to apply for a permit? First indicate which activity you would like to start where.

Do your plans correspond to the preferred destination from the area passport? Then you can apply for your permit.

Do your plans not match the preferred destination? Then it is checked whether another suitable place can be found.

When assessing your application, safety, liability and the effects of your activity on the environment will be taken into account.

It is not the operator of the wind farm that assesses your application, but Rijkswaterstaat.

There is a different arrangement for Passive fishing. You can contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for this.

Knowing more? Then look at Noordzeeloket.nl/medegebruik

or mail to Noordzeeloket@rws.nl