Movie Shared use Hollandse Kust (noord)

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video: Movie Shared use Hollandse Kust Noord

Voice-over Hollandse kust (noord) English

Would you like to develop a shared use activity in one of the North Sea wind farm zones?

Around things like nature development, aquaculture, generating renewable energy, or passive fishing?

Then apply for a permit from Rijkswaterstaat.

For shared use in places like the Hollandse Kust (noord) wind farm zone.

Hollandse Kust (noord) is located 18 km offshore from Bergen aan Zee.

The Prinses Amalia Windpark is in the southern section of the wind farm zone.

This part is not available for shared use.

Ships under 24 meters sailing through are permitted.

Pole-and-line fishing is allowed here, too.

A new wind farm has been operational in the northern section since 2023, the Hollandse Kust (noord) wind farm.

There's a swath of open sea between the two wind farms that's around 4 km wide, allowing ships to pass through.

A special area passport will show you what the Hollandse Kust (noord) wind farm zone looks like and what space between the turbines is available for shared use.

The space is around 45 km2.

The area passport will also show you which activities take precedence in which areas.

If you have a great plan or an innovative idea for shared use and you want to apply for a permit?

Please contact us.

Together we can go through the options and conditions.

Your application is not assessed by the wind farm operator, but by Rijkswaterstaat.

When assessing your application, we will look at things like safety, liability, and the effects of your activity on the environment.

For passive fishing, there is a different arrangement.

For this, please contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality.

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